Funzioni di ricerca

The exploration of the contents of the site is made possible through different paths and keys to read in addition to those predefined in the Routes and in the Stories reachable from the main menu and from the Sitemap at the bottom of the page.

Geo-localized map

For each itinerary, summary maps are provided to geo-locate the work in question on the territory or to consult a list of the same by activating the menu on the left of the title

  • An overall map  of all the itineraries and works included in the Stories can be reached from the main menu and from the Sitemap

Warning: the display of maps is subject to acceptance of third-party cookies that can be managed on the privacy page

Free Search

In any case it is possible to perform a free text search that will be compared with any content on the site


At the bottom of each page there are some interactive Classification Tags that allow you to filter the list of works as well as for the keys mentioned above also for the main Author, City, Use.

Here is the cloud of the most recurring Tags: